TIME - is there a generic time?
Time is relative to the observer - now to be challenged

Imagine that there exists a hypothetical time that is instantaneous throughout the entire universe. If an event occurs, it happens simultaneously anywhere else in the universe. This is the concept of "generic time".

The General Theory of Relativity is uncertain
Today's quantum theory suggests that instantaneous events across the universe are possible through entangled particles, which has been proven through experiments on Earth. This contradicts Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that nothing, not even information, can travel faster than the speed of light, which is approximately 300,000 km/second in a vacuum. The explanation could be the existence of an actual time, let's call it generic time, to which all particles have direct access. It could be a point in a fifth dimension. The existence of more than four dimensions is supported by the string theory, which operates with nine dimensions to make the mathematics work. The length of time is measured in seconds, specifically, 9.19 million oscillations in a cesium-133 atom. This time is theoretically slightly slower than generic time. (ET < GT)

The perceived time can vary
If an atom is exposed to gravity or acceleration, its oscillation slows down, and time passes more slowly. This is practically demonstrated by the fact that clocks on GPS satellites lag slightly and need to be adjusted forward. The perceived passage of time is, therefore, shorter and even slower compared to generic time. In the theoretical twin paradox, the twins themselves will perceive that they have slightly different ages since the atoms and thus the clock of the twin who traveled with significant acceleration have moved slower. But here's the point, generic time is the same for both2. (OT < ET < GT)

Special Theory of Relativity is unclear
The special theory of relativity states that two individuals moving rapidly relatively to each other will experience that the other person's time goes slower than their own. This has been proven through experiments. However, this is the "perceived time," including the time it takes for the light wave to travel from oneself to the other person and back. And it is impossible to determine which of these two is in motion since there is no objective point at rest. Therefore, the actual time both observes, must be exactly the same, even though both believe that the other has a different time. ST1 = ST2 (time in space) Using the term "generic time," both individuals in the example have access to the same time and perceive the same time.

Time in space passes slower than generic time
A free particle in space is exposed to some gravity but less compared to Earth. Time must be lower than time without gravity, generic time.
(ET < ST < GT).

The big consequence of a "generic time"
Time in space depends on gravitational forces, thus it will vary depending on matter and dark matter (invisible matter). If we start referring to generic time, it may solve the mathematical problem with an accelerating expansion of the universe. Now it is assumed to be due to dark energy, a term mainly introduced to make the mathematics work. Then perhaps the expansion is different from the discovery that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating, leading to the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011.

Abbreviations: ET (earth time, what we assume is time), OT (observed time for a person in move), ST (space-time, i.e.time in space), GT (generic time)

Oslo, 26.July 2023

Time is Fri Oct 18 2024 at 08:34:31, and New York have sunrise at 07:09 and sunset at 18:12.
Friday reminder Weekend time

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